(MS Paintbrush, Mouse, 1993, 129x295 px)
春元极尽所能的款待我们。当晚的主餐是“咸辣浆糊”- 面粉加水,盐,辣椒粉熬好,滴上几滴菜油,配上泡咸菜,在煤油灯下吃得是无比的爽。按我们当时的语言形容,是吃得“前脚打后脚”。晚饭后在屋外的果树下继续聊天,山前山后黑灯瞎火,只觉得魅影幢幢。
House on a Hill
You can find many houses likes this one in Sichuan- setting on a small hill, facing the sun and surrounded by bushes, trees, and bamboos, and with their doors quietly open in the shadow.
One summer in high school, a few of us visited Chun Yuan, cousin of a friend. Chun Yuan lived in such a house behind hills near ZhaoZhen, a small town south of Chengdu. Chuan Yuan did his best to treat us then: Our first dinner was "spicy glue" - flour, salt and hot chili peppers with boiling water. Breakfast in the morning was leftover "glues" and premature pears from some small trees of sad leaves. To prepare lunch Chuan Yuan took us out with a big old rifle and came back with a few birds called by locals as "Man Ga Ga" - "stupid bird", literally. We couldn't remember much of the taste soon after the lunch. But we have talked about Man Ga Ga and about revisiting Chuan Yuan for more than twenty years since then.