
(MS Paint, Mouse, 1995)
渐渐地,欢声笑语中,开始有事过境迁,人似物非的感觉。事实上,我很少需要说很多的话。走到哪里,基本做到了一个最佳听众:笑笑的问,静静的听,及时的恭维或祝贺。和我当初并不是很接近的一个老师,托同学一定要请我去讲讲我在国外的十年。去了以后,我说了不到十句关于自己的话,他讲自己讲了两个小时。出门后,同学说, 假洋鬼子真是虚伪,佩服你用同样的表情从头听到尾。
Old Time with Friends
Not long ago in China people live their life like drinking Chinese wine - a small sip down to the throat and sink slowly into the heart. With hundreds and thousands of years attached to almost everything, dream and reflection can go a long way and take a long time to be digested and show up in life.
When I visited China lately, life has changed a lot. People there live a different life and don't drink the same way they used to.
Among people who have caught up the train of economic booming, life is very exciting and enjoyable. Most of my friends are college graduates from the 80's. With good education, wide connections, and extensive experiences, many of them are successful public officers or private entrepreneurs. They no longer stay at home after work. Every day, for work or for fun, they go to restaurants, bars, dancing places, karaoke studios, department stores, beauty salons, and fitness centers. Life has much more to offer and more to be dreamed about. In their life, they drink quickly, talk loudly, and expect more.
On the other hand, the rest of the country is still carried on by the momentum of the old train, and is trying hard to catch up with the changing world. Most of them are from older generations, or the ones who did not have adequate education. Even among these people, life has changed a lot. So much I can hardly recognize neither. For better or worse, people are no longer satisfied with what they have and are eager for more changes.
So just for memory, I drew this small picture to memorize the simple life we used to have.